(YELLOW) Kill Luke 16’x20’ Canvas
(YELLOW) Kill Luke 16’x20’ Canvas
(YELLOW) Kill Luke
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
(YELLOW) ‘Kill Luke’
Yo Bro the film was called Kill Bill! 🤔
BUT what if you give the Bride a Bad Ass Red Lightsaber. Suddenly it all changes. Watch your back Luke she’s coming for ya 😂
Another great one to create, loved this film. Loved the powerful female anti hero and I figured she needed a better tool than a samurai sword 🗡
Got the pose sketched it down, primed the canvas (YELLOW) with infamous Kill Bill Black Stripe. Blocked of areas with tape and as usual dropped the paint. When it dried I picked up the outline again with my scratchy style. Added shading and then unsheathed the lightsaber. This is some serious, bright, hardcore movie combination right here.
A Limited edition 1-50 full size print run is available for this canvas.