Hey folks,

I’ve got a bone to pick, and it’s about the Vacant to Vibrant scheme—or, more accurately, why we don’t have it in Bangor right now. If you’ve been keeping an eye on what’s happening in Belfast, you’ll know they’ve smashed it with this initiative. They’ve turned empty spaces into thriving pop-ups, cafes, and art hubs, injecting life into the city and giving the local economy a much-needed boost. So, my question is: why aren’t we doing the same?

The Craic in Belfast

Here’s the lowdown: Belfast’s Vacant to Vibrant scheme has transformed 21 empty units with a cool £700,000 investment. Budding businesses and creatives can access up to £20,000 to breathe life into these spaces, creating jobs and drawing people back to the high street. It’s a no-brainer—it works, and the proof is in the before-and-after snaps.

Now, Bangor: We’re Missing a Trick

Meanwhile, here in Bangor, there’s talk of spending “six figures” on a temporary car park. Really? Let’s keep it real—throw some gravel down and put the cash where it’ll make a lasting difference: our empty shops.

When I set up my pop-up shop, Councillor Blaney and Wayne Adair stepped in to help cover rates and services, which I’m endlessly grateful for. But even with their support, the process was far from stress-free. Imagine if I—or any other entrepreneur or artist—had access to the kind of funding Belfast is offering. It would’ve made all the difference.

A Vision for Bangor

Let’s take a walk down Main Street. Picture those vacant units—not as dead space but as vibrant hubs for start-ups, art spaces, or indie cafes. Imagine entrepreneurs getting a leg up with £2,500 to £20,000 to transform those spaces into something the community can rally around.

The model’s already there. Belfast’s nailed it. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel—just hit copy and paste.

No More Meetings, Just Action

Look, I get it. Councils love a meeting. But this isn’t rocket science. The blueprint is sitting there, and all we need is someone to hit the green button. If Belfast can do it, so can Bangor. It’s time to stop talking and start doing.

Let’s Make It Happen

Bangor has the talent, the passion, and the potential. Let’s not waste another minute. Vacant to Vibrant could be the spark that lights up our high street and brings the community together.

To anyone with the power to make this happen: it’s time to step up.

Let’s GO 🚀

Stay cool,

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